On Thursday evening we flew via Cairo to Kigali

On Thursday evening, we flew via Cairo to Kigali. The other half of the group flew via Cairo/Addis Ababa. On January 30th, we were reunited in Kigali.

Naturally, the bikes had to be packed for the flight, meaning that after our arrival on Friday morning and a few hours of sleep, we had to get the bikes ready again. Fortunately, this is the only intercontinental flight. It's not easy at all to show up at the airport with 20 bicycle boxes.

Compared to Egypt, Rwanda is extremely clean! No plastic or litter on the streets, what a pleasant surprise. Single-use plastic bags are not allowed, and on the last Saturday of the month, there is a Community Day where every resident participates in cleaning their city/neighborhood.

For us, this Saturday morning was perfect for a short bike ride through the city, with no cars or mopeds on the road, and all shops closed. A small group set out to cycle the Wall of Kigali, a beautiful but quite steep route in Kigali.

In the afternoon, everything is open again, and we visit the Genocide Memorial, a 'museum' that commemorates the 1994 genocide. It's hard to believe that this massacre took place in this beautiful country 30 years ago.

On Sunday morning, we wake up very early, pack, have breakfast, load the trucks, and at 6 a.m., the bus takes us about 40 km out of the city. From here, we finally get back on our bikes: the route is drastically different from our tours in Egypt. The gravel roads are sometimes challenging to navigate, with many potholes and numerous construction sites.

The local population greets us along the roadside; we are almost never alone. People everywhere are happy to see us. Many boys accompany us on their bikes, and with their old single-speed bikes, they are faster than us with our 'fancy bikes.'

Rwanda is also significantly higher in elevation than Egypt, meaning we are cycling between 1500 to 2300 meters above sea level. The descent is on a superb, well-paved road. In total, we cycle 84 km and cover an elevation gain of 1500 meters to reach Kibuye. There, we set up our tents on the shores of Lake Kivu. It's a dreamy location!!!

More impressions

Last days in Egypt