Visit to Havilah Children's Home

On this rest day in Entebbe, I decide to visit Havilah. The children's home, which I intend to support through my fundraising efforts, is only about 50 km away.

After a restful night, breakfast, and laundry, I look for a driver who can take me to Havilah. Initially, I planned to go on Monday, but everyone advises against it due to the terrible traffic on Monday mornings. Ibrahim drives me to Marina and Aaron, the founders of Havilah, in about 1.5 hours. I'm amazed by what the two have accomplished in such a short time.

Havilah is only about 8 years old. The two founders acquired the land, cleared it, built houses, and created a place for around 40 children who come from difficult family situations to find a new home (at least temporarily) here. It's an incredibly commendable task under these circumstances!

After a shared lunch, we take a tour of the premises, and then I ride back to Entebbe with Ibrahim. The journey goes through Kampala, the capital of Uganda, where the traffic is chaotic, and the air quality is devastating, as in all cities. Upon my return to the camp, I just make it in time for Mia's birthday celebration (we have several birthdays within these 4 months!).

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